There are 6 males and 4 females in this litter. To see more individual pics and descriptions of them, please visit each puppy’s page below:

Au Lait | Latte, Cappuccino & Frappuccino | Sierra & Nevada | Guinness | BT | Moonshine | Malibu

Below (left to right): 4 Females – Au Lait, Malibu, Moonshine, Sierra





Below (left to right): 6 Males – Nevada, Cappuccino, Latte, Frappuccino, Guinness, BT





Below: Guinness, Au Lait and BT hanging out at 7.5 weeks old











Below: (Left) Puppies eating out of my rain gutter feeder, (Right) Guinness and Cap watch mom on the other side of the fence.










Below: 6.5 week old pups from left, Latte, Sierra, Aukai/Malibu, Cap, Au Lait (back), Frap, Nevada











Below: 5 week old pups










Below: Video of 5 week old puppies playing tug.

Below: 5 week old puppies eating machines. They’re getting too big for the feeding bowl!

Below: 5 week old puppies follow mommy around like she’s the Pied Piper!

Below: At 4.5 weeks old. They like to sleep on the cool tile under the water bowl in the heat of day!









Below: Around 2 weeks old









Below: (Left) At 3 weeks old (Right) Mama with newborns










Video 1: Cap & Sierra playing, Frap neck biting Malibu.
Video 2: Frap & Sierra playing, Cap pawing Malibu.

Video below: Pups playing at almost 4 weeks old

Photo Below: 2 tan colored puppies exploring the yard at almost 4 weeks old